Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ok so i am not the best blogger

well the hype and thrill of everyday blogging has died down,hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well thta didint last long,it all went down the drain faster than a speeding bullet
the realities of life kinnda set in.......hmmm  lets see av a 9-5 job,
dah..... you need to pay the school fees need to hustle need to make ends meet arent a celebrity head has been in the cloud for too long
its so easy to stay in front of the computer and forget the world even for a short time,make believing you are  the superhero sent to save the world with your typing and the longer you type the more peace and tranquility you wil bring to the world...........well wake  up and smell the coffee
there are no freebies today
yea between juggling the kids,the husband and the job,i bearly have time to brush my hair let alone blog
so dearies,i cant promise consistency..i can only promise,i will always be true to myself and try not to suck at it.........

pregnant softtly

pregnant softtly

are we still allowed to dream with kids and work and hubby