had a pretty nice holiday,didnt think it would.had so much fears going into holidays.but i pulled through
Monday, January 2, 2012
Monday, August 22, 2011
shit happens!
i know you ask me how i am doing all the time,and i tell you fine......its hard to imagine that you cant look into my eyes and tell that i am lying.oh! yes i am okay,but i could be better if you were mine.
i lie alone at night wondering if you are awake and if you are thinking of me too
but my heart tells me you are not,becos you are in anothers arms and at that very moment you are content,it isnt my call anymore
i need an anti anxiety pill,cos i am okay,and i know shit happens when it does,you just have to suck it up
Posted by ninnie at 1:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 29, 2011
something to muse over
I was with him today again,i couldnt help it.i knew it was wrong,but my body ached for his,my lips longed to feel his kiss,and my loins longed to be caressed by his very essenceI IIi am crazy ,i know to even think that I what we are doing is for the long haul,that it actually means something to him
he says he loves me,all the time,sometimes too easily
I wonder
I know that its wrong
but i dont want to stop
why should i anyway,i only fear hell and the hot flames of the fire
but life is short and i have a lot yet to explore,so fuck it!
Posted by ninnie at 2:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
rock and roll vagabond
After twenty seconds the girl re-enters the room and turns on the light. She looks back and calls through the door.)
Girl: I’ll just have a word with Roger about it. See how he feels.
(There are noises off. She turns and faces the man.)
Girl: There was an extremely good crowd in tonight.
Man: Almost a sell-out.
Girl: That’s not bad for a Thursday.
Man: If it had been better advertised there would have been a full-house. (laughs.)
(They walk to each other and embrace passionately.)
Girl: You were really good tonight. You even convinced me that you were an aging rocker.
Man: I feel I am growing into the part. You were pretty good yourself.
Girl: I forgot the words a few times and had to improvise. I don’t think anybody noticed.
Man: I did but I don’t think it made any difference. It was close enough to the original.
(Man takes off his wig and reveals his natural hair.)
Man: It feels good to take that off. It makes my scalp itch. The talcum powder doesn’t help very much.
(They kiss again.)
Girl: You look dishier without it. I don’t really fancy you much when you’re wearing the wig. You’re sexier without it.
Man: Who could possible fancy a man with long, grey, straggly hair? It’s beyond me.
Girl: Oh. I forgot. Peter wants to know if we want to go out for a meal and a few drinks.
Man: I don’t know. I’m feeling a bit tired.
Girl: We won’t stay late. He wants to talk to me about another play he’s directing in the West End. He thinks there’s a role that I am totally suited for. It’s a lead. Peter thinks it’s going to be a hit and will probably transfer to New York at some time. It’s a big opportunity for me.
Man: Is there anything in it for me?
Girl: He didn’t mention you but he could probably find you something. It won’t be a leading role but it’ll be work.
Man: I don’t think I want to go back to supporting parts unless it’s Shakespeare. For the privilege of speaking the Bard’s words I would take any role with pride. Even a non-speaking role.
Girl: You really come from the old-school of acting. I prefer the modern things, written by people who are still living. So? Are we going with Peter? Wendy will be there. Maybe John will come.
Man: I don’t fancy a crowd of people tonight.
Girl: It’s not a crowd. There will only be four or five of us. Peter knows a good restaurant just a few minutes from the theatre. They do wonderful scallops.
Man: I’m not really hungry right now. I need to relax for a while before I eat.
Girl: So just come for a couple drinks.
Man: I told you. I’m feeling a bit tired tonight. If today was Saturday and Sunday was a day off then I’d be more than ready but tomorrow we’ve got two shows. You haven’t forgotten the Friday matinee, have you?
Girl: No. It doesn’t have to be a late night. Just a quick meal and a couple of drinks, that’s all.
Man: With Peter it’s never just a couple drinks and he suffers with insomnia so he doesn’t care what time he goes to bed. He told me he only sleeps three hours a night. Not me. I need my eight hours or I can’t function properly during the day.
Girl: So? What do you want to do?
Man: I thought we could pick up a takeaway and then go back to our room. There’s a good bottle of Bourgogne in my suitcase. Maybe there’s something on the television. I’d like to relax with a good film. Preferably something in black and white.
Girl: I don’t know what you see in those old films. I think they’re boring.
Man: Some of the best films ever were made in black and white.
Girl: Sorry. I grew up with colour. I’ve never known anything else.
Man: You don’t know what you’re missing.
Girl: So? Do I tell Peter we’re coming?
Man: No. Not tonight. Why don’t you go and you can join me back at the hotel when you’ve finished. I’ll warm your side of the bed.
Girl: I’m not going without you.
Man: Why ever not? Peter wants to talk with you, not me. I think he fancies you.
Girl: Don’t be silly.
Man: I’m not being silly. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He leers.
Girl: He leers? What on earth are you talking about? We have a professional relationship. He’s the director...I’m an actress. That’s all. He doesn’t fancy me. He knows I’m with you.
Man: I know what men are like. He’s no different. You’re young, beautiful and sexy. All men fancy you.
Girl: Well, he doesn’t. I would have noticed.
Man: Go if you want to but I’m going back to the hotel and put my feet up. You have a key to the room, haven’t you?
Girl: Yes, but I’m not going without you.
Man: Go! We’re not joined at the hip. Go out and have a good time. I’m not going.
Girl: You never want to go anywhere.
Man: That’s not true.
Girl: It is. All you ever want to do is go back to your room and sit around doing nothing until it’s time for bed.
Man: I said we could get a takeaway and watch the television. There’s bound to be something we want to see.
Girl: I’d rather go out for a decent meal.
Man: I told you to go if that’s what you really want to do.
Girl: And I said that I’m not going without you.
Man: I would rather you went or else I’m not going to hear the end of it. You’ll remind me all the time of how I never want to go anywhere and you’ll tell me how boring I am.
Girl: I’ve never said that you were boring.
Man: But you’ve insinuated it. You didn’t have to tell me.
Girl: You’re not boring. I find you incredibly interesting. You’ve done so much and been to so many places but tonight all I’m asking is that you’ll come out for a drink. That’s all.
Man: Sorry. I’m going to have to say no.
Girl: Alright then. I’ll go by myself. I really want to talk to Peter about that part. When this run is over I’ll be unemployed, or ‘resting’, as you put it and I need to line something up. I can’t afford not to work.
Man: Me neither but tonight I want to forget about work and just relax.
Girl: OK. You do that. Do you want me to bring you anything back?
Man: No. I’ll pick up a takeaway.
Girl: So I’ll go then. Are you sure you don’t want to come?
Man: I’m sure. You go and have a good time with Peter and I’ll see you when you get back.
Girl: You’re not jealous, are you? You sound like you are.
Man: Jealous of Peter? Of course not. He’s not your type.
Girl: Type? What is my type?
Man: Someone like me, I hope.
Girl: Yes. You’re my type.
Man: I’ll come and say goodnight to the others.
Girl: I’ll try not to be too late. I hope you’re still awake when I get back.
(She embraces him passionately and then they walk out the door and turn the light out. The stage is in darkness.)
Posted by ninnie at 2:57 AM 15 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
dream vacations
Have you ever gone on a vacation, ever taken a break off the hustles and bustles of everyday life to retreat and refire, have you ever seen the world around you in its splendour and awesomeness or maybe you have and need to do more!
We live in a part of the world where men do not see the essence of taking a break, we believe we need to keep working until one day we drop and die forgetting to learn that there is a time to work and a time to rest!
Quickly. . . I need to open your eyes to the benefits of taking a quality time off on vacation to an exotic location:
Live Longer
A State University of New York survey found that men who took annual vacations reduced their risk of death by 20 percent. Men who didn't take any vacations in five years had the highest death rate and incidence of heart disease than any other men surveyed.
Recapture your childhood
When was the last time you went out and play? I mean really play without worry of someone i.e. your boss calling or interrupting you. Real vacations let you recapture that feeling of childlike exploratory freedom. You can wake up when you want, go to sleep when you want, and eat what you want. Most importantly, you can have fun without worrying about the consequence on work back home.
Find Creative Inspiration
Most of the year, we live on a schedule. We eat at the same restaurants, see the same people, and experience the same environment. This monotony reduces the opportunities for inspiration and for new ways of thinking. By traveling to a foreign environment, we put ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, and allow our brains to think differently.
Don't Just Visit. . . Take a Vacation!
Vacation Wealth Club has been put together to offer its members a comprehensive vacation package once every year for 5 years of their membership. It offers them a chance to live longer, recapture their childhood and rekindle their creative imagination by placing them on the exotic laps of luxury as they travel seeing the world.
The Club offers its members the following:
Access to 5 all-expense paid trips i.e. 1 per year
Each vacation last for a period of 7 days
Holidays and Cash distributorship for 2 for 5yrs
A membership card
Package inclusions per trip include Flight tickets, Accommodation, Feeding, Return airport pickup and organized tours in the country of choice.
Travel More For Less!
The Club offers varying degrees of membership based on period of travel and number of travellers.
Types of Club membership are:
Gold Membership - gives you access to travel during off season periods
Platinum Membership - gives you access to travel during Peak seasons i.e. summer
Types of Gold Membership include:
Gold Single (Cost: #1.5 Million)
This covers an individual for one vacation per year for 5 years.
Gold Double (Cost: #2 Million)
This is available for couples or friends who want to enjoy the luxury and fun of travelling always together.
Gold Family (Cost: #5 Million)
This covers a family with a maximum of 6 people i.e. Husband, Wife and maximum of 4 children.
Types of Platinum Membership include:
Platinum Single (Cost: #2 Million)
This covers an individual for one vacation per year for 5 years.
Platinum Double (Cost: #3 Million)
This is available for couples or friends who want to enjoy the luxury and fun of travelling always together.
Platinum Family (Cost: #7 Million)
This covers a family with a maximum of 6 people i.e. Husband, Wife and maximum of 4 children.
Countries that can be visited by members based on their choice includes:
The Maldives
South Africa
Saotome and Principe
Cook Islands
You can add any country of choice you are able to secure your VISA to, to the list. If the total cost of tour to country of your choice is less than 1/3 of the price for the category you paid for, it will be arranged at no extra cost. If it is more than 1/3 you'll be required to make some payment for the extra.
Please note
Your First Vacation Date should be 5 months after payment and signing of the memorandum of understanding that guarantees you Vacations Wealth Club opportunity.
All categories are based on economy, any Category interested in business class flight will be required to pay the differencial between Business Class and Economy flights
Holidays and Cash Distributors who get prospects get 10% paid in 3 installments over 3 months
Relax and Enjoy Luxury Vacations for
the Next 5yrs, without writing a cheque.
Posted by ninnie at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: travelling, vacations
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